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Josef Bigun [Web] [Email]

Josef Bigun received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Linkoping University, Sweden, in 1983 and 1988, respectively. Between 1988 and 1998, he was with the EPFL, Switzerland. He was elected Professor to the Signal Analysis Chair at Halmstad University and the Chalmers University of Technology in 1998. His scientific interests include a broad field in computer vision, texture and motion analysis, biometrics, and the understanding of biological recognition mechanisms. Dr. Bigun has cochaired several international conferences. He has been contributing as a referee or as an editorial board member of journals including Pattern Recognition Letters and the IEEE Trans. on Image Processing. He served on the executive committees of several associations, including IAPR. He has been elected Fellow of IAPR and IEEE.

Bernadette Dorizzi [Web] [Email]

Prof. Bernadette Dorizzi got her PhD in Theoretical Physics at the University of Orsay (Paris XI-France) in 1983, on the study of integrability of dynamical systems. She is a Professor at the Institut National des Telecommunications, since September 1989, and the head of the Electronics and Physics department where she is in charge of the Intermedia (Interaction for Multimedia) research team. Her research domain is related to pattern recognition and machine learning applied to activity detection, surveillance-video and biometrics. Between 2004 and 2007 she led the EU FP6 Biosecure Network of Excellence, consisting of more than 30 European universities and research centers with a main focus in biometrics research.

Mike Fairhurst [Web] [Email]

Michael Fairhurst is a Professor of computer vision with the School of Engineering and Digital Arts, University of Kent, Canterbury, U.K., where he has also been head of the department since 2008. He has published over 350 papers in the scientific literature. His research interests include computational architectures and algorithms for image analysis and classification, and applications including handwritten text reading and document processing, medical image analysis, and security and biometrics. Professor Fairhurst is the Editor-in-Chief of IET Biometrics Journal. He is an elected Fellow of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR).

Anil K. Jain [Web] [Email]

Anil K. Jain is a University Distinguished Professor in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at Michigan State University. He was appointed an Honorary Professor at Tsinghua University and a WCU Distinguished Adjunct Professor at Korea University. He received B.Tech degree from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from The Ohio State University. His research interests include pattern recognition, computer vision and biometric recognition. He has been recognized with a Guggenheim Fellowship, Humboldt Research Award, Fulbright fellowship, IEEE Computer Society Technical Achievement award, IEEE W. Wallace McDowell award, IAPR King-Sun Fu Prize, IEEE ICDM Research Contribution award, IAPR Senior Biometric Investigator award, MSU Withrow Teaching Excellence award, and the MSU 2014 Innovator of the Year award. He served as the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (1991-1994) and is a Fellow of the ACM, IEEE, AAAS, IAPR and SPIE. He is the author of several popular books, including Introduction to Biometrics (2011), Handbook of Face Recognition (first edition: 2005; second edition 2011), Handbook of Fingerprint Recognition (first edition: 2003, second edition: 2009), Markov Random Fields: Theory and Applications (1993), and Algorithms For Clustering Data (1988). Anil Jain served as a member of the National Academies panels on Whither Biometrics and Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) and was appointed a member of the Defense Science Board. He also served as a member of the Forensic Science Standards Board (FSSB), co-organizer of Program on Forensics at the Statistical and Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI) and a member of the AAAS Latent Fingerprint Working Group. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and a Foreign Fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering.

Josef Kittler [Web] [Email]

JOSEF KITTLER is currently a Professor of machine intelligence with the Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing, University of Surrey. He conducts research in biometrics, video and image database retrieval, medical image analysis, and cognitive vision. He published the book Prentice Hall textbook on Pattern Recognition: A Statistical Approach and over 170 journal papers. He serves on the Editorial Board of several scientific journals in pattern recognition and computer vision. Served as a member of the Editorial Board of IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence during 1982-85. Currently serves on the Editorial Boards of Pattern Recognition Letters, Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Analysis and Applications. Awarded the KS Fu Prize 2006, by the International Association for Pattern Recognition, for outstanding contributions to Pattern Recognition (the prize awarded biennially)

Ludmila Kuncheva [Web] [Email]

Ludmila (Lucy) Kuncheva studied electrical engineering at the Technical University, Sofia, Bulgaria (1977-1982), where she obtained her MSc in 1982. She took a postgraduate course in applied mathematics, 1982-1984, followed by a PhD, received in 1987 from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Until 1997 Dr Kuncheva worked at the Central Laboratory of Biomedical Engineering, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, as a research associate and senior research associate. She worked at the ELITE laboratory (Aachen, Germany, 1993, European Mobility Grant), Imperial College (London, 1995-1996, Royal Society Fellowship) and University of West Florida (Pensacola, Florida, 1996-1997, NSF grant). Lucy joined Bangor University, in 1997 as a lecturer at the School of Mathematics. She is currently a professor at the School of Computer Science at BU. Professor Kuncheva is working in the area of pattern recognition and machine learning. She has published over 150 research papers and two books: "Fuzzy Classifier Design, Springer, 2000", and "Combining Pattern Classifiers. Methods and Algorithms, Wiley, 2004". She won of the best paper award for 2006 in IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems and the Sage best Transaction paper award for 2003 across IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, A, B and C. Lucy has served as an AE for IEEE Transactions on Fussy Systems and for IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. She has given invited talks and lectures within the UK and abroad:- Spain, France, Italy, China, USA, The Netherlands, Bulgaria, Greece and Sweden.

Stan Z. Li [Web] [Email]

Stan Z. Li received the B.Eng. degree from Hunan University, Changsha, China, the M.Eng. degree from National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, China, and the Ph.D. degree from Surrey University, United Kingdom. He is currently a professor and the director of Center for Biometrics and Security Research (CBSR), Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA). He was at Microsoft Research Asia as a researcher from 2000 to 2004. Prior to that, he was an associate professor at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. His research interests include pattern recognition and machine learning, image and vision processing, face recognition, biometrics, and intelligent video surveillance. He has published more than 200 papers in international journals and conferences, and authored and edited eight books. He was an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence and is acting as the editor-in-chief for the Encyclopedia of Biometrics. He served as a program cochair for the International Conference on Biometrics 2007 and 2009, and has been involved in organizing other international conferences and workshops in the fields of his research interest. He was elevated to IEEE Fellow for his contributions to the fields of face recognition, pattern recognition and computer vision, and he is a member of the IEEE Computer Society.

Davide Maltoni [Web] [Email]

Davide Maltoni is a Full Professor at University of Bologna (DISI - Dept. of Computer Science and Enginnering), and Chair of DISI Unit in Cesena. His research interests are in the areas of Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning, Computer Vision and Computational Neuroscience. Most of his applied research is in the field of Biometric Systems (fingerprint recognition, face recognition, hand recognition, performance evaluation of biometric systems). Davide Maltoni (together with other BioLab member): (1997) proposed the first direct gray-scale minutiae detection approach; (2000) developed SFinGe, an effective method for generating realistic synthetic fingerprint databases, nowadays largely used for performance evaluation of biometric systems; (2000-2006) organized four International Competitions for Fingerprint Verification Algorithms (FVC2000, FVC2002, FVC2004 and FVC2006). FVC databases are nowadays the most widely adopted benchmark for fingerprint recognition; (2002) published the first fingerprint classification algorithm able to meet the FBI fingerprint classification requirements; (2009) proposed Minutiae Cylinder Code (MCC), a recognized state-of-the-art fingerprint matcher capable of performing more than 40 million comparisons per second on a single PC (CPU+GPU); (2010) launched FVC-onGoing a web-platform for evaluation of biometric recognition algorithms with more than 1K registered participants and 5K submitted algorithms; (2014) first demonstrated the feasibility of enrolling double-identity face biometrics in electronic documents (morphing attack). Davide Maltoni is co-author of the monography Handbook of Fingerprint Recognition whose second edition was published by Springer in 2009. The book received the PSP award from the Association of American Publishers. At May 2017 the book has been cited more than 4000 times. Davide Maltoni coordinated University of Bologna unit in BioSec EU Project (FP6), Fidelity EU Project (FP7) and Ingress EU Project (FP7), with a total funding of about 1.4 Meuro. Davide Maltoni served as Associate Editor for the international journals: Pattern Recognition, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensic and Security and IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis Machine Intelligence.

Mariano Rivera [Web] [Email]

Researcher-Professor of the Department of Computer Science at the Center for Research in Mathematics (Centro de Investigación en Matematicas A.C., CIMAT). Main interests are: Image Analysis and Processing; Medical Imaging; Computer Vision; and Optical Metrology. He works in edge-preserving regularization techiques for image restoration (image denoising, optical flow, edge detection). He also works in fringe analysis algorithms (phase recovering and phase unwrapping) for interferometric tests.

Terence Sim [Web] [Email]

Terence Sim received the PhD degree in electrical and computer engineering from Carnegie Mellon University in 2002 under the supervision of Prof. Takeo Kanade, the MS degree in computer science from Stanford University in 1991, and the BS degree in computer science and engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1990. He is an Associate Professor, and Assistant Dean, at the School of Computing, National University of Singapore. His research interests are in biometrics, face recognition and facial image analysis, and computational photography. He was a pioneer in generating and freely distributing resources for research in biometrics (e.g., the CMU PIE face database), and in novel architectures for biometric authentication (e.g., continuous biometrics).

Stefanos Zafeiriou [Web] [Email]

Stefanos P. Zafeiriou is currently a Reader in Machine Learning and Computer Vision with the Department of Computing, Imperial College London, London, U.K, and a Distinguishing Research Fellow with University of Oulu under Finish Distinguishing Professor Programme. He was a recipient of the Prestigious Junior Research Fellowships from Imperial College London in 2011 to start his own independent research group. He was the recipient of the President Medal for Excellence in Research Supervision for 2016. He has received various awards during his doctoral and post-doctoral studies. He currently serves as an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing and Computer Vision and Image Understanding journal. In the past he held editorship positions in IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics the Image and Vision Computing Journal. He has been a Guest Editor of over six journal special issues and co-organised over 13 workshops/special sessions on specialised computer vision topics in top venues, such as CVPR/FG/ICCV/ECCV (including three very successfully challenges run in ICCV13, ICCV15 and CVPR17 on facial landmark localisation/tracking). He has co-authored over 55 journal papers mainly on novel statistical machine learning methodologies applied to computer vision problems, such as 2-D/3-D face analysis, deformable object fitting and tracking, shape from shading, and human behaviour analysis, published in the most prestigious journals in his field of research, such as the IEEE T-PAMI, the International Journal of Computer Vision, the IEEE T-IP, the IEEE T-NNLS, the IEEE T-VCG, and the IEEE T-IFS, and many papers in top conferences, such as CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, ICML. His students are frequent recipients of very prestigious and highly competitive fellowships, such as the Google Fellowship x2, the Intel Fellowship, and the Qualcomm Fellowship x3. He has more than 4500 citations to his work, h-index 36. He is the General Chair of BMVC 2017.