L. F Gomez, A. Morales, J. Fierrez and J. R. Orozco-Arroyave, "Exploring Facial Expressions and Action Unit Domains for Parkinson Detection", PLoS One, February 2023. [PDF] [Bibtex] [DOI] [Code]
A. Acien, A. Morales, R. Vera-Rodriguez, J. Fierrez, et al., "Detection of Mental Fatigue in the General Population: Feasibility Study of Keystroke Dynamics as a Real-world Biomarker", JMIR Biomedical Engineering, November 2022. [PDF] [Bibtex] [DOI]
R. Tolosana, J. C. Ruiz-Garcia, R. Vera-Rodriguez, J. Herreros-Rodriguez, S. Romero-Tapiador, A. Morales and J. Fierrez, "Child-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices: Recent Works, New Dataset, and Age Detection", IEEE Trans. on Emerging Topics in Computing, October 2022. [PDF] [Bibtex] [DOI] [Video] [Dataset]
T. Schlett, C. Rathgeb, O. Henniger, J. Galbally, J. Fierrez and C. Busch, "Face Image Quality Assessment: A Literature Survey", ACM Computing Surveys, September 2022. [PDF] [Bibtex] [DOI]
F. Alonso-Fernandez, K. Raja, R. Raghavendra, C. Busch, J. Bigun, R. Vera-Rodriguez and J. Fierrez, "Cross-Sensor Periocular Biometrics for Partial Face Recognition in a Global Pandemic: Comparative Benchmark and Novel Multialgorithmic Approach", Information Fusion, July 2022. [PDF] [Bibtex] [DOI]
A. Acien, A. Morales, J. Fierrez and R. Vera-Rodriguez, "BeCAPTCHA-Mouse: Synthetic Mouse Trajectories and Improved Bot Detection", Pattern Recognition, July 2022. [PDF] [Bibtex] [DOI] [Dataset] [Tech]
R. Tolosana, R. Vera-Rodriguez, C. Gonzalez-Garcia, J. Fierrez, et al., "SVC-onGoing: Signature Verification Competition", Pattern Recognition, July 2022. [PDF] [Bibtex] [DOI] [Dataset] [Code] [Tech]
I. Serna, A. Morales, J. Fierrez and N. Obradovich, "Sensitive Loss: Improving Accuracy and Fairness of Face Representations with Discrimination-Aware Deep Learning", Artificial Intelligence, April 2022. [PDF] [Bibtex] [DOI] [Dataset] [Tech]
R. Tolosana, S. Romero-Tapiador, R. Vera-Rodriguez, E. Gonzalez-Sosa and J. Fierrez, "DeepFakes Detection across Generations: Analysis of Facial Regions, Fusion, and Performance Evaluation", Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, April 2022. [PDF] [Bibtex] [DOI] [Code]
A. Hassanpour, A. E. Daryani, M. Mirmahdi, K. Raja, B. Yang, C. Busch and J. Fierrez, "E2F-GAN: Eyes-to-Face Inpainting via Edge-Aware Coarse-to-Fine GANs", IEEE Access, March 2022. [PDF] [Bibtex] [DOI] [Dataset] [Code]
P. Terhorst, J. N. Kolf, M. Huber, F. Kirchbuchner, N. Damer, A. Morales, J. Fierrez and A. Kuijper, "A Comprehensive Study on Face Recognition Biases Beyond Demographics", IEEE Trans. on Technology and Society, March 2022. [PDF] [Bibtex] [DOI]
J. Huertas-Tato, A. Martin, J. Fierrez and D. Camacho, "Fusing CNNs and Statistical Indicators to Improve Image Classification", Information Fusion, March 2022. [PDF] [Bibtex] [DOI] [Code]
R. Daza, D. DeAlcala, A. Morales, R. Tolosana, R. Cobos and J. Fierrez, "ALEBk: Feasibility Study of Attention Level Estimation via Blink Detection applied to e-Learning", in AAAI Conf. on Artificial Intelligence Workshops (AAAIw), February 2022. [PDF] [Bibtex] [DOI] [Dataset] [Tech]
A. Hassanpour, M. Moradikia, B. Yang, A. Abdelhadi, C. Busch and J. Fierrez, "Differential Privacy Preservation in Robust Continual Learning", IEEE Access, February 2022. [PDF] [Bibtex] [DOI]
A. Morales, J. Fierrez, et al., "SetMargin Loss applied to Deep Keystroke Biometrics with Circle Packing Interpretation", Pattern Recognition, February 2022. [PDF] [Bibtex] [DOI]
A. Acien, A. Morales, J. V. Monaco, R. Vera-Rodriguez and J. Fierrez, "TypeNet: Deep Learning Keystroke Biometrics", IEEE Trans. on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science, January 2022. [PDF] [Bibtex] [DOI] [Dataset] [Code]
J. Hernandez-Ortega, J. Fierrez, et al., "FaceQvec: Vector Quality Assessment for Face Biometrics based on ISO Compliance", in IEEE/CVF Winter Conf. on Applications of Computer Vision Workshops (WACVw), January 2022. [PDF] [Bibtex] [DOI] [Tech]
R. Tolosana, C. Rathgeb, et al., "Future Trends in Digital Face Manipulation and Detection", in Handbook of Digital Face Manipulation and Detection, C. Rathgeb et al. (Eds.), January 2022. [PDF] [Bibtex] [DOI]
A. Ortega, J. Fierrez, et al., "Symbolic AI for XAI: Evaluating LFIT Inductive Programming for Explaining Biases in Machine Learning", Computers, November 2021. [PDF] [Bibtex] [DOI] [Dataset]
R. Tolosana, R. Vera-Rodriguez, C. Gonzalez-Garcia, J. Fierrez et al., "ICDAR 2021 Competition on On-Line Signature Verification", in IAPR Intl. Conf. on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), September 2021. [PDF] [Bibtex] [DOI] [Dataset] [Benchmark] [Tech]
L. F. Gomez, A. Morales, J. R. Orozco-Arroyave, R. Daza and J. Fierrez, "Improving Parkinson Detection using Dynamic Features from Evoked Expressions in Video", in IEEE/CVF Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRw), June 2021. [PDF] [Bibtex] [DOI]
A. Morales, J. Fierrez, et al., "SensitiveNets: Learning Agnostic Representations with Application to Face Images", IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, June 2021. [PDF] [Bibtex] [DOI] [Dataset] [Tech]
R. Tolosana, R. Vera-Rodriguez, J. Fierrez and J. Ortega-Garcia, "DeepSign: Deep On-Line Signature Verification", IEEE Trans. on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science, April 2021. [PDF] [Bibtex] [DOI] [Dataset] [Benchmark] [Tech]
A. Acien, A. Morales, J. Fierrez, et al., "BeCAPTCHA: Behavioral Bot Detection using Touchscreen and Mobile Sensors benchmarked on HuMIdb", Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, February 2021. [PDF] [Bibtex] [DOI] [Dataset] [Tech]
R. Tolosana, P. Delgado-Santos, A. Perez-Uribe, R. Vera-Rodriguez, J. Fierrez and A. Morales, "DeepWriteSYN: On-Line Handwriting Synthesis via Deep Short-Term Representations", AAAI Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), February 2021. [PDF] [Bibtex] [DOI] [Dataset] [Dataset] [Tech]
R. Tolosana, R. Vera-Rodriguez, J. Fierrez, et al., "DeepFakes and Beyond: A Survey of Face Manipulation and Fake Detection", Information Fusion, December 2020. [PDF] [Bibtex] [DOI]
M. Faundez-Zanuy, J. Fierrez, et al., "Handwriting Biometrics: Applications and Future Trends in e-Security and e-Health", Cognitive Computation, August 2020. [PDF] [Bibtex] [DOI]
J. C. Neves, R. Tolosana, R. Vera-Rodriguez, V. Lopes, H. Proenca and J. Fierrez, "GANprintR: Improved Fakes and Evaluation of the State of the Art in Face Manipulation Detection", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, August 2020. [PDF] [Bibtex] [DOI] [Dataset]
R. Tolosana, R. Vera-Rodriguez and J. Fierrez, "BioTouchPass: Handwritten Passwords for Touchscreen Biometrics", IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing, July 2020. [PDF] [Bibtex] [DOI] [Dataset] [Tech]
F. Alonso-Fernandez, R. A. Farrugia, J. Bigun, J. Fierrez and E. Gonzalez-Sosa, "A Survey of Super-Resolution in Iris Biometrics with Evaluation of Dictionary-Learning", IEEE Access, December 2019. [PDF] [Bibtex] [DOI]
R. Krish, J. Fierrez, et al., "Improving Automated Latent Fingerprint Identification using Extended Minutia Types", Information Fusion, October 2019. [PDF] [Bibtex] [DOI]
J. Fierrez, et al., "Multiple Classifiers in Biometrics. Part 2: Trends and Challenges", Information Fusion, November 2018. [PDF] [Bibtex] [DOI]
J. Fierrez, A. Pozo, et al., "Benchmarking Touchscreen Biometrics for Mobile Authentication", IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security, October 2018. [PDF] [Bibtex] [DOI]
E. Gonzalez-Sosa, J. Fierrez, et al., "Facial Soft Biometrics for Recognition in the Wild: Recent Works, Annotation and COTS Evaluation", IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security, August 2018. [PDF] [Bibtex] [DOI]
R. Tolosana, R. Vera-Rodriguez, J. Fierrez, et al., "Exploring Recurrent Neural Networks for On-Line Handwritten Signature Biometrics", IEEE Access, February 2018. [PDF] [Bibtex] [DOI]
M. Gomez-Barrero, C. Rathgeb, J. Galbally, C. Busch and J. Fierrez, "Unlinkable and Irreversible Biometric Template Protection based on Bloom Filters", Information Sciences, November 2016.
A. Morales, J. Fierrez, et al., "Keystroke Biometrics Ongoing Competition", IEEE Access, November 2016. [PDF] [Bibtex] [DOI]
A. Hadid, N. Evans, S. Marcel and J. Fierrez, "Biometrics Systems under Spoofing Attack: An Evaluation Methodology and Lessons Learned", IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, September 2015. [PDF] [Bibtex] [DOI] 
J. Galbally, S. Marcel and J. Fierrez, "Image Quality Assessment for Fake Biometric Detection: Application to Iris, Fingerprint and Face Recognition", IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, February 2014. [PDF] [Bibtex] [DOI] 
R. Vera-Rodriguez, J. Mason, J. Fierrez, et al., "Comparative Analysis and Fusion of Spatio-Temporal Information for Footstep Recognition", IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, April 2013. [PDF] [Bibtex] [DOI] 
F. Alonso-Fernandez, J. Fierrez, et al., "Quality Measures in Biometric Systems", IEEE Security and Privacy, December 2012. [PDF] [Bibtex] [DOI] 
J. Ortega-Garcia, J. Fierrez, et al., "The Multi-Scenario Multi-Environment BioSecure Multimodal Database (BMDB)", IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, June 2010. [PDF] [Bibtex] [DOI]