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Postdoc Assistants

PhD Students

  • Daniel DeAlcala (2022-ongoing, Media Content Analytics) {Co-advisor: A. Morales}
  • Mahdi Ghafourian (2020-ongoing, Biometrics Security and Template Protection) {Co-advisor: R. Vera-Rodriguez}
  • Luis F. Gomez (2020-ongoing, Biometrics and Behavior with Application to e-Health) {Co-advisor: A. Morales}
  • Ignacio Serna (2019-ongoing, Fairness and Explainable AI) {General PhD Mentoring. Formal Advisors: A. Morales and J. Ortega-Garcia}
  • Alejandro Peña (2019-ongoing, Explainable AI and Affective Computing) {Co-advisor: A. Morales}
  • Roberto Daza (2019-ongoing, Behavior Analysis based on HCI and Facial Video) {Co-advisor: A. Morales}
  • Javier Hernandez-Ortega (2016-2022, Face-based Behavior Analysis) {Co-advisor: A. Morales}

IT Support

Roberto Daza [Web] [Email]

(In 2022) Roberto Daza García received his bachelor’s degree in telecommunications technology engineering in 2016 from Universidad de Granada. He received his M.Sc. degree in Telecommunication Engineering in 2019 from Universidad Oberta de Catalunya and the Universitat Ramon Llull-La Salle. He is pursuing his PhD degree at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in the Biometrics and Data Pattern Analytics Lab. His research interests include human-machine interaction, machine learning, deep learning and biometrics signal processing, with an emphasis on e-learning technologies for security and learning improvement. He has received awards from the eMadrid network and AERFAI. Finally, he has participated in several National and European projects focused on the improvement of e-learning or health technologies.

Mahdi Ghafourian [Web] [Email]

(In 2022) Mahdi Ghafoorian received his bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from the Islamic Azad University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran, in 2011, and his master’s degrees in Information Security and Assurance from the Imam Reza University, Mashhad, Iran, in 2016. He stands at the second position among top Master’s degrees graduates in the Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology of Imam Reza University in 2016. Since 2021, he started his PhD with a Marie Curie Fellowship within the PriMa (Privacy Matters) EU ITN project in the BiDA Lab. His research interests include information security, biometrics protection, face recognition, adversarial examples and federated learning.

Luis F. Gomez [Web] [Email]

(In 2022) Luis Felipe Gómez Gómez received his MSc degree in Engineering from the Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia in 2018 and in 2021. Currently, he is a PhD student of the BiDA Lab group at the Universidad de Autónoma de Madrid. His research activities during the last three years are focused on signal processing and machine learning for biometric applications and its applications in healthcare.

Javier Hernandez-Ortega [Web] [Email]

(In 2018) Javier Hernandez-Ortega received the MSc in Electrical Engineering in 2015 from Universidad Autonoma de Madrid. In June 2016, he started his PhD studies under the supervision of Prof. Julian Fierrez. His research is focused in Biometrics, Human-Computer Interaction, Pattern Recognition, and Machine Learning.

Alejandro Peña [Web] [Email]

(In 2022) Alejandro Pena received the BS degree in Telecommunication Engineering from the Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain, in 2018, and the MSc degree in Telecommunication Engineering from the same institution in 2020. He is currently pursuing a PhD in Computer Science at the BiDA-Lab under the supervision of Prof. A. Morales and Prof. J. Fierrez. His research interests include computer vision, pattern recognition, and ethics in AI, with applications to biometrics. He is author of several publications, and also collaborates as reviewer in different conferences (e.g. ICPR, IJCB) and journals (e.g. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Information Fusion).

Ignacio Serna [Web] [Email]

(In 2022) Ignacio de la Serna received the B.S. degree in Mathematics and B.S. degree in Computer Science from the Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain, in 2018, and the M.Sc. degree in Advanced Artificial Intelligence in 2020 from the National Distance Education University. He has been working as a researcher at the BiDA Lab - Biometric and Data Pattern Analytics Laboratory of the Autonomous University of Madrid since 2019, where he is now pursuing his PhD in fairness, bias and explainability in computer vision algorithms under the supervision of Prof. A. Morales and J. Ortega-Garcia. His doctoral studies are supported by the competitive FPI scholarship of the Autonomous University of Madrid. His research interests lie computer vision, pattern recognition, and explainable AI, with applications to biometrics.